Language Structure (Modernism Concept)

To get comprehension about postmodern concept

To recognize farther about postmodern concept, better precede with understanding of about modernisme. By comprehending modernisme, we will be more easy to comprehend postmodernisme later, as previously showed in my post -how to critic bellesletters with postmodern analysis-, postmodernisme is idea which criticize many modernisme concepts.

Modernisme Conception have been long enough become rationale in so many matters, and have become think concept of commons. In language context, modernisme have got very strong base with structuralisme of Ferdinand Saussure. Language structuralisme makes language can be analyzed with more theoretical and is not mixed with other concepts outside language.

Language Structuralisme relates differention of language element in 3 big elements; Langue, Parole, Langage. Parole is language of indifidul which depend on each specification of indifidual term. Broader Langue than Parole, namely language at a certain social concept which have been arranged and comprehended in social region. While Langage embosom both language concept, namely all kinds of language symptom that happened, either through individually and also social.

Besides 3 divisions which was mentioned, structuralisme define sign concept by dividing it become two shares; signified and signifier. Signified is existing concept in individual brain, while Signifier is something (can word, sign, and also index) used to mark existing concept in individual brain. Both this shares can not be dissociated and each other is related or relevant, with existence of both attachment, hence language system become stable.

(The first step to understand postmodern)


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