
Mathemtical Function on Microsoft Excel for beginner

Excel is a table program  that has the extraordinary functions. Every accounting process runs well using excel. Although still newbe, I create a fun video tutorial excel, on the add, reduction, and multiplication function. For the other functions i’ll make soon Technorati Tags: excel tutorial , excel mathematical function , excel for beginner

Critical Discourse Analysis Theory for Language Research

Following the postgraduate lecture yesterday was very interesting, it gave to me a spirit to complete my Thesis, also get a lot of information from my colleagues. We attended the same seminar for our classmates, Sufiana Annur. This seminar was interesting because they used English-speaking seminars. Sufianan Annur Thesis Proposal discussed one of the 19th century novel. She analyze the concept of racism of novel using Critical discourse Analysis (CDA), its a recent novel critic method and interesting to use as a theoretical research base. In Indonesia, the CDA is still new. Erianto's book that discusses the CDA, is strong enough to help spreading this theory in Indonesia. This theory was only limited to certain circles such as Students philosophy, art, and students of media publication. Philosophy students are actually only those who follow the latest trend in the world theory. Most of those who have face and use CDA theory, is also use some current theories, such as Postmode...

Language Structure (Modernism Concept)

To get comprehension about postmodern concept To recognize farther about postmodern concept, better precede with understanding of about modernisme. By comprehending modernisme, we will be more easy to comprehend postmodernisme later, as previously showed in my post - how to critic bellesletters with postmodern analysis -, postmodernisme is idea which criticize many modernisme concepts. Modernisme Conception have been long enough become rationale in so many matters, and have become think concept of commons. In language context, modernisme have got very strong base with structuralisme of Ferdinand Saussure. Language structuralisme makes language can be analyzed with more theoretical and is not mixed with other concepts outside language. Language Structuralisme relates differention of language element in 3 big elements; Langue, Parole, Langage. Parole is language of indifidul which depend on each specification of indifidual term. Broader Langue than Parole, namely language at a certain so...

Standard Journalist Question in testing reading comprehension for student

Improvement of reading quality is one of purpose in education. Students will be able to master their reading material if they are supported with quality of good reader. Reading comprehension is hardly required to assist student improvement in their learning. Actually, teacher has had separate tips in assessing reading comprehension, but sometimes untapped optimally. There are tips drawn from Alvimann & Morgue article to assist teacher in assessing reading comprehension, that is using questions which is often applied by journalist in interview. Reading comprehension is easily catched and assessed by giving 5 W & 1 H questions. Yes, questions of standard journalist interview, What, Who, When, Why, Where, and How. Question of "What" is applicable to open what's going on the reading materials. Question of “Who” is applied to ask whosoever involving in the reading material. “Where” is applied to know case existence or places in reading material. “When” is applied to kn...

How to Critic Belles-Letters with Postmodern Analysis

By Kang Bull Art is the product of idea, writer can pour all his idea and desire. On this side, in the process of writing, writer is the king of his inspiration. However, after the production has handed by the reader, all cannot deny the reader involvement in comprehending and interpreting the masterpiece. Belles-lettres in this decade peep out many new idea. Among others is postmodern, namely form the idea which have based on modernity. However, it critics the modernity itself. The postmodern critic has the unique characteristic and tends to refuse all regularity which exists in modernism. Although postmodernism is basically based on modernism, assuming postmodernism as enlargement from modern principles is not correct matter and too hasty. Principally, this new concept, step by step find its type and have the tendency to critic its grand philosophy; modernism. Conducting critic to literature by postmodern principle is a continuous new matter which still developed. So that the effort ...

Finding Good Translation Program

By Kang Bull I have just looked around to find any translation program on the net. I got many, but the translation programs or tools are too limited. Some give dictionary tool and we take our word there and we get the result, but it is just words or phrases that give me more confuses. Some dictionary tool or translation tool may give phrases translation but without any interpretation or local mean. I think it is useless for working on complex sentences, because of its lack of truth and matching interpretation. Before I am getting saturated, I than search for translation program with human processing interpretation, still on the net. I fall on a site, Out of the blue! My eyes focus on the words on the site "We respond to 95% of all emails within 1 hour" they said. I am shagging than, how does it work? The site provides translation and interpretation on many languages. As I mean, the site I need must base on human worker to translate than the result become more reliable. Ya, th...

Why is education important

By Kang Bull Why is education important ? It may be a question from our daily life, but everybody has their special reason to answer it, so am I. I just mean that importance of education is the efficiency to know our life need. Education is not just so called “school, collage, doctoral or etc. Education is our daily growing life, and we get everything benefit from our environment. So, think that our life is education it self, and it is the real education purpose. I have some reasons why our life is education it self. Education is a real important thing in human life. Education aims to point and guides man to be adult, at least it is the definition and philosophy of education from WJ. Langveld. A man can Interact with others of course requires morale peripheral and human capability, causing good social interaction. Without education, someone will become awkward and cannot interact carefully with others. Since baby, humans always gets education and knowledge from their environment. Baby ...