Following the postgraduate lecture yesterday was very interesting, it gave to me a spirit to complete my Thesis, also get a lot of information from my colleagues. We attended the same seminar for our classmates, Sufiana Annur. This seminar was interesting because they used English-speaking seminars. Sufianan Annur Thesis Proposal discussed one of the 19th century novel. She analyze the concept of racism of novel using Critical discourse Analysis (CDA), its a recent novel critic method and interesting to use as a theoretical research base. In Indonesia, the CDA is still new. Erianto's book that discusses the CDA, is strong enough to help spreading this theory in Indonesia. This theory was only limited to certain circles such as Students philosophy, art, and students of media publication. Philosophy students are actually only those who follow the latest trend in the world theory. Most of those who have face and use CDA theory, is also use some current theories, such as Postmode...